Saturday, December 1, 2007

A tough week...

1. My Beulahology paper was due on Monday.

2.I was on sink #3 two times in a row.
3. My meal assignment was MEATLESS.
4. I was on Sabbath treat with Bitty Jingkins. AGAIN.
5. Spring cleaning is only three months away. ARRRRRRGH.
6. I was on BOTH bread AND cookies in the same week.
7. My favorite Muppets soundtrack got a red sticker.
8. I couldn't decide whether to go on town trip or to stay back and play volleyball with my PREF. I went on town trip,  and I think my PREF has fallen in love with someone else. Doh!
9. I got a ticket for having wet hair at breakfast and potentially causing EVERYONE (men and women) to stumble thinking about what I looked like naked in the shower. 

When will I have time to fill out my honor sheets and clean my room?

I hate my life.


ljm said...

...AND, I lost my topsail!

JJ said...

YOU? What about ME?

My angel hasn't gifted me in 2 days, my pref doesn't pref me, and all my personal days are used up and it's only Dec. 2!


JJ said...

p.s. If anyone finds a DMC floss caddy, please email me at Mine went missing a couple of days ago.

the Joneses said...

Don't forget that your daily Bible reading is in Leviticus, and you're sure that you've started exhibiting symptoms of leprosy.


Linds said...

Pretty much, had I been drinking something while reading this, my computer would have been drenched in said liquid!m