A tough week...
1. My Beulahology paper was due on Monday.
2.I was on sink #3 two times in a row.
3. My meal assignment was MEATLESS.
4. I was on Sabbath treat with Bitty Jingkins. AGAIN.
5. Spring cleaning is only three months away. ARRRRRRGH.
6. I was on BOTH bread AND cookies in the same week.
7. My favorite Muppets soundtrack got a red sticker.
8. I couldn't decide whether to go on town trip or to stay back and play volleyball with my PREF. I went on town trip, and I think my PREF has fallen in love with someone else. Doh!
9. I got a ticket for having wet hair at breakfast and potentially causing EVERYONE (men and women) to stumble thinking about what I looked like naked in the shower.
When will I have time to fill out my honor sheets and clean my room?
I hate my life.
...AND, I lost my topsail!
YOU? What about ME?
My angel hasn't gifted me in 2 days, my pref doesn't pref me, and all my personal days are used up and it's only Dec. 2!
p.s. If anyone finds a DMC floss caddy, please email me at wicked_depressed@fbi.com. Mine went missing a couple of days ago.
Don't forget that your daily Bible reading is in Leviticus, and you're sure that you've started exhibiting symptoms of leprosy.
Pretty much, had I been drinking something while reading this, my computer would have been drenched in said liquid!m
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