Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Have it Canned

On my new résumé I included my blog name. I am certain that future employers will be so struck by my insights that they will immediately create a new position within the company structure that allows me to blog all the day long. They will congratulate themselves on recognizing my talent and ask themselves why they didn't think of screening applicants through the blog system sooner.

"The creamed corn of the crop," they will exclaim. "And, she is all ours."

Listen, blogland is tough. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.

Dear Future Employer:

You don't know me, but I would like to direct you to my "blawg" to learn a little bit more about me. Things like: my daily elimination, creeps who have wronged me, how I really feel about authority, and how inflated my opinion of myself really is.

That is C-A-N-N-E-D-C-O-R-N-A-G-A-I-N because if you can't have it fresh---you oughta have it canned.


JJ said...

Still no comments?

You should probably just quit, nobody cares about your blog! Only me, DJ, and Loreo. Quit while you're ahead.

I just recently read a for-serious article about employers searching MySpace and Facebook accounts of existing and potential employees. Yeaaaah, some of 'em didn't get hired and some of 'em got the boot. So straighten right up before the board finds yours.

JJ said...

And sometimes Liane cares about your blog too, and that one Amy girl, but other than that NOBODY CARES!

Daughter of Divagation said...

I blog only for you, JJ.

Lori said...

I read each post and am impressed or saddened or speechless. I'd comment each time till others would join the bandwagon, but that would be just too much.

Daughter of Divagation said...

I blog only for you and the 4.9 million other bloggers on Blogspot.