Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dr. Blog

Dear Dr. Blog:

A small part of me wants to join the bloggers who swim in the deep end of the alphabet pool. I want to practice my backstroke with the hardcore, post every 3.9 minutes bloggers who maintain multiple blog sites and spreadsheets to track their responses.

I do want to splash my consonants and vowels around like nobody's business. I really do. I want to cavort and canoodle with the full power of the English language. I want my words to say a little about a lot and a lot about very little.

I want to be a Blog Queen. I want to drive the pink verbmobile. Gyrate my gerunds. Dangle my modifiers. Reveal my past participles. And, proposition with my prepositions. A contender, darnit, I want to be a contender.

Instead I sit in front of my little flat screen. I type and backspace. Backspace and type. And, then I close the whole entry without posting. I just can't seem to commit.

Can you help me figure out why I am squeamish about brave blogging?


Booker said...

I don't know, you seem to be trying to do too many different things and equating them as all equal.

Brave blogging, committed blogging, Blog queen.

Each of these is something that the True Blogger aspires to. But just like Marathon runners, you have to work your way up to all of them.

Start with Committed Blogging. Blog every other day, period. Even if absolutely NOTHING post worthy happened, write about it like it WAS postworthy.

Then go from there.

By the by, I came over from Janzelle's blog...

Daughter of Divagation said...

Oh, I get it.

When one has nothing post-worthy to churn from the keyboard, one can just poke fun at relatives, ridicule co-workers, recount fetish feasts, chronicle the adventures of countless trips , and use words like "luscious" and "scrumptious" until the entire Internet echoes with the collective gag reflex of the readership.

I understand this strategy. It's brilliant.

If I nestle snippets of spirituality between the lines and behind the scratch of my catty remarks, people will be able to see me for the true Christian I am.

(John 3:16)

Is it working?

(Psalms 23)

I guess it isn't working.

Booker said...

I sense some bitterness here :-)

Anonymous said...

Another piece of useful information...when blogging, use the largest, most impressive words available. If possible, keep a thesaurus at your side. You will need this in order to compete with your blogging audience. It's all a non-verbal competition, didn't you know? Also, blog about how utterly horrific your life is...the inconveniences, the injustices, the irritations. Why do you think I don't blog? My life is just too perfect. 

Daughter of Divagation said...

Can I just blog about how God loves me more than he loves you?